The UNCooking Show Collaboration
Better Together
We are honored to be collaborating with Chef Doreet from UnchainedTV’s raw food show, The UNCooking Show. We will be releasing limited edition cheese collections formulated for each show! Our first offering is shown here. Check our shop page for ordering info.
Show Trailer: The UNCooking Show Collection Debut
Podcast Features
Episode 14 of ‘People You Should Meet’ with Brett Christoffel talking about the journey to becoming a cheesemaker, gardening, being a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s and everything in between.
Wild Minds
Cheese Is Where The Magic Happens by Lillie Gardener
Alissa told me about the creative tensions inherent in cheesemaking, how she’s learned to follow her own creative path, and what it means to be an Asian Warrior Princess. Talking with Alissa is as comforting as the cheese that I found in the supermarket four years ago….